Ignite Your Senses with our Wildflowers Perfume Oil Blend

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Have you ever found yourself lost in the labyrinth of floral fragrances, unsure of which one truly captures your essence? I’ve been there, navigating through a sea of scents, only to discover that I’m head over heels for the timeless allure of roses. But hey, it’s time to break free from my rosy bubble and embark on a fragrant adventure.

So, armed with determination and a few trusty bottles of fragrance, I decided to shake things up a bit. After a soul-searching session with my collection, I carefully selected four distinct scents that promised to dance harmoniously together. It was like assembling the Avengers of fragrance, each oil bringing its own superpower to the mix.

Picture this: me, surrounded by little glass bottles, on a mission to create the ultimate spring blend. But before I could dive into the aromatic symphony, I knew I had to declutter my workspace. Turns out, a clean slate is essential when you’re about to play maestro with scents. You wouldn’t want the lingering confusion of conflicting fragrances, right?

With my workspace gleaming and ready for action, I proudly lined up my chosen oils—Jasmine, Ylang Ylang, Vanilla, and yes, the rebel of the bunch, Rose. I know, I said I needed a break from roses, but who can resist the charm of that timeless bloom?

As I carefully blended the oils, something magical happened. Hours of indecision culminated in a Eureka moment, and my concoction started to come together in a symphony of scents that was nothing short of lovely. The lesson learned? Sometimes, the best blends come from stepping outside your comfort zone and letting your nose guide you through the fragrant wilderness. Cheers to floral adventures and the perfect blend that reflects the essence of spring!

These are the Materials I used. (Affiliate links are included in this post)

Here’s a simple recipe to try:


  • 8 drops of rose essential oil
  • 6 drops of jasmine essential oil
  • 5 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil
  • 4 drops of Vanilla essential oil
  • Carrier oil (jojoba oil or fractionated coconut oil)


  1. Combine the specified number of drops for each essential oil in a glass container.
  2. Mix the essential oils thoroughly to create a balanced and floral fragrance.
  3. Add the carrier oil to the blend, starting with around 1 ounce (30 ml), and adjust based on your preference for fragrance strength.
  4. Close the container and shake well to ensure the oils are well combined.
  5. Pour into your 10ml roller bottle and you are ready to use your new perfume.

Perform a patch test on your skin before applying the perfume more widely, and feel free to adjust the essential oil ratios to achieve your desired scent profile. This blend should result in a floral fragrance with a touch of vanilla.